Last week I wrote about offshoring of backroom marketing research functions. In that post, I mentioned the frequency with which I am contacted regarding a request to send our business offshore.
Ironically, the number of requests I receive has increased substantially this week. Anyone who read my post last week would probably realize I am not a fan of offshoring. So why did the prospecting for my business increase? I am guessing it is driven by two things:
Bots have found my posting. Their users have incorrectly identified me as a good target for offshoring.
We noticed traffic to my blog from countries where much outsourcing happens has increased. So I suspect these people found my post, but again failed to pick up my negative tone toward offshoring.
It will be interesting to see what happens after this post.
ボニーラッシュ|美肌を目指すなら…。 反復する肌荒れは、それぞれにリスクをアナウンスする印だと言われます。体の …
"ボニーラッシュ|美肌を目指すなら…。" の続きを読む
6 years ago